For whom: children from the age of three

Duration: 30 min, 1 or 2 times a week (Tuesday and Friday 4:00 – 4:30 pm)

Price: 45 PLN per class. Enrollment is for the entire semester, paid monthly in advance. We will refund up to two absences per semester.

Trainings are based on general development classes with elements of judo. A significant part of the training is devoted to acrobatic, gymnastic and corrective exercises, all done in the form of fun. The child gradually gets used to the mat, falls, and contact with other children. As a preparation for further training, much of the fun and games include elements of pushing or tumbling.


The basic element of judo is the ability to fall properly, this helps to avoid dangerous injuries. This skill is also useful in everyday life. The child is exposed to frequent falls, thanks to the training, will be able to properly protect the head, and so align the body to come out whole and safe in various situations. A large part of the games are based on competition, often between groups, which allows to shape character traits such as camaraderie, cooperation, and healthy competitiveness.

We want not only to train but also to educate our youngest adepts by instilling in them the principles of culture, hygiene and “fair play” behavior. Judo as an Olympic sport with a great tradition is governed by strict rules that must be observed precisely. This allows children to develop respect and an obligation to follow the rules.

Properly guided and selected games and exercises provide excellent correction of the child’s posture. Today, in the age of computers, spinal defects are a problem for many children.

The coach and founder of the club, as one who successfully completed rehabilitation, is well aware of this problem. He believes that judo training at the developmental age of the child is an excellent way to evenly strengthen the muscles of the entire body, especially the back, ensuring healthy development of the child.

A common opinion among parents is to classify judo as a brutal combat sport, full of injuries and trauma. Nothing could be further from the truth. In judo there are no punches, no kicks, and everything happens according to strict rules. It is a sport in which the recipe for success is not strength and aggression, but agility and cunning. Injuries happen, of course, which is an inherent feature of any sport, with the most serious occurring only in professional sports. Among children, injuries are limited to bruises and sometimes bumps or abrasions. These are harmless and completely normal for the youngest practitioners.

Benefits for children attending Judo classes

  • Children gain physical fitness
  • Children learn discipline and regularity
  • Children strengthen their muscle corset, especially the spine, abdomen and shoulder girdle
  • Children perfectly correct posture defects – Judo is a sport recommended by orthopedists and physiotherapists

Children from outside the institution are also welcome!

Enrollment and information:


phone: 885 884 119

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