DANCING from the age of 2

Żłobki Montessori Warszawa Ursynów

Dancing for children is an activity that improves physical fitness, develops creativity and group cooperation skills. Children who regularly participate in dance classes gain greater self-confidence and are better able to cope with stress. Dancing engages the whole body and, depending on the style chosen, helps strengthen leg, back and arm muscles. Regular training also effectively develops the sense of balance, flexibility and endurance. Contrary to what you may think, bouncing around on the dance floor is not only great fun. It turns out that they also go hand in hand with a whole range of benefits for the psychomotor development of the youngest, among them: promoting physical development, strengthening social skills, and developing cognitive abilities.

Class fee is 40 zlotys.

We also invite children from outside our institution!

Enrollment and information:

e-mail: info@harmonymontessoripark.pl,

phone: 885 884 119

Żłobki Dwujęzyczne Warszawa Ursynów

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